The Waldemarsudde Oil Mill

One of five such structures remaining in the world

The Waldemarsudde oil mill is a wind-powered mill on Djurgården in Stockholm. The mill is located at Prince Eugen’s Waldemarsudde, and featured in many of the prince’s paintings. It was built in 1784 and used to produce linseed oil.

The builder was a merchant, Carl Magnus Fris, who acquired the Waldemarsudde property in 1782. The sails of the Waldemarsudde oil mill are missing, but it is otherwise well-preserved. The mill is of the type known as “Dutch mill”, where it is only necessary to turn the roof to catch the wind. The oil mill is a rare piece of industrial history, and one of five such structures remaining in the world.


Länsstyrelsen i Stockholms län

+46(0)10-223 10 00

Kungliga Djurgårdens Intressenter, KDI AB, coordinates attractions and joint activities on Djurgården. Learn more